
Benedict's 12 Steps Toward Humility Re-worked for Today's Christian

In his most famous work, The Rule of Saint Benedict, the father of Western monasticism, Benedict of Nursia, gives his own 12 steps towards humility for monks to follow. All Christians would do well to follow these steps so I thought it would be helpful to re-work them to fit the context of Jesus followers today. I hope you find them as helpful as I have.


3 Things That Should Happen to You at Church Every Sunday

There are plenty of things that church should be. There is also no one perfect way to do church today. Unity is essential to the universal church, but that can be achieved even when there is diversity. But there are a few things that all church experiences should include.


Dangerous Unselfishness: The Secret Behind Martin Luther King Jr.

In his famous “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop” speech about tackling the unfair treatment of sanitation workers in Memphis, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. challenged his listeners and Americans everywhere with these words:


You Might See Jesus Like Ricky Bobby (And Why That's a Bad Thing)

If you’ve seen Talladega Nights you know the scene well. Ricky Bobby insists on praying to “Baby Jesus” despite his family explaining that Jesus did grow up. As Ricky’s father in law, Chip, put it, “He was a man. He had a beard.” But Ricky “likes the Christmas Jesus best.”


For God's Sake (And Yours) Celebrate!

As I mentioned in an earlier post, the first Christmas was not the peaceful, all warm by the fire, holiday that is depicted on our Christmas cards. Mary’s experience alone must have been more humiliating, worrisome, and even dangerous than any experience any of us have had or will have (especially during the holidays).